Hammersmith ,London UK



Will Play Therapy help your child ?
Do any of these statements resonate with you/your child?
"My child has experienced: Trauma / Domestic Abuse/ Child Abuse/Family Bereavement/ Long term illnesses /Chronic pain/ Bullying."
"My child has Special Educational needs, finds social situations difficult and has no friends."
"My child ​suffers with Anxiety and is socially awkward."
"​My child is always withdrawn from family, has angry outbursts and is aggressive."
"​My child feels they don’t look good or not good enough and suffers with low self-esteem."
"My child doesn’t want to go to school and seems very unhappy at school."
"My child ​has sleep issues, nightmares, and struggles at night times."
"My child is always glued to a screen, and it is difficult to communicate with them."
"My child has no interest in achieving anything, always seems bored."
"My child is always scared, worried or tearful."
"I find it difficult to understand my child’s needs, or how to communicate with them."
"I can’t explain what is wrong with my child, but I think they need help."
"COVID changed my child, I want to see them happy again."